A new look online — business.ydspd.com

January 31, 2011

Colorado is a stunning place to live and visit. Conveying the beauty of the nearly two million acres of rugged alpine to desert panoramas that make up western Colorado’s Garfield County is best left to the sharpest of photographers. We start the site with John Fielder’s image on our home page. Fielder captured the warmth and serenity of winters in the White River National Forest following what was probably a powerful blizzard that left snow stacked on every limb and filled every nook for miles around.

To present a picture of what the whole of Garfield County looks like, we have decorated the home pages for each of Garfield County’s departments with incredible images from four of Garfield County’s professional photographers. Ryan Mackley, Scot Gerdes, Bob Boylan and Katie Haefner have captured wonderful winter scenes across the county. Look through our department pages available from dropdown menus under the word “Colorado” at the top of any page, and learn more about Garfield County along the way.

This website will deliver news, events and, as always, county operations information for the benefit of our citizens. The next element to be added is a full-featured calendar with mobile news and weather information for our meetings. Also coming shortly is a robust search to make finding elements on the site easier. Take advantage of the topic menu at the top to find things from a cross-section of our departments.

We have simply transferred information from our last website and will now build increased content with daily updates from across the county. This site is a tool for Garfield County employees to help our community live and do business here, and it is exciting to have a new platform to provide the information that our citizens need!

Charles Zelenka
IT Director, Garfield County

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